We would like to take this opportunity to firstly welcome you to the limitless possibilities that this school year has in store for us.
Secondly, we want to introduce you to the newest kids on the block, the Technology Division. As a new Division we are excited to partner with you and help to make your dreams come true.
In order to be an effective Division within the Department of Education, several Units within the division must be established with oversight to specific areas that should provide efficient services and coordination in Education.
One such area is Management Information Systems. Wikipedia defines Management information Systems (MIS) as the processing of information through computers and other intelligent devices to manage and support. We are excited to announce that within the Technology Division there is a TECHNOLOGY DIVISION/Help Desk/Support. help.desk@moetechnology.edu.bs
MIS DIVISION/Help Desk/Support –Function
MIS deals mainly with infrastructure, network and technical support. This Unit provides full support to Ministry of Education, Satellite Offices and limited support at the school level. Each District has a member of the Technology Division assigned to a District for technical support.
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